Our Vision
IS 206B: A place where all students are inspired to be lifelong learners in the 21st century and feel safe taking academic risks, delving deeper into learning, collaborating, and being responsible and productive citizens.
Nuestra visión escolar
IS 206B: Un lugar donde todos los estudiantes se inspiran para ser aprendices de por vida en el siglo XXI y se sienten seguros al asumir riesgos académicos, profundizar en el aprendizaje, colaborar y ser ciudadanos responsables y productivos.
District 10
VISION- CSD 10 serves as the beacon fueled by rigorous instructional practices, safe and nurturing school environments, and collaborative communities that illuminates the path towards college and careers for Our Leaders of Tomorrow.
MISSION- “Lighting the Way for Our Leaders of Tomorrow” by:
VISION- CSD 10 serves as the beacon fueled by rigorous instructional practices, safe and nurturing school environments, and collaborative communities that illuminates the path towards college and careers for Our Leaders of Tomorrow.
MISSION- “Lighting the Way for Our Leaders of Tomorrow” by:
- L everaging professional development and common planning time to support teachers in implementing RIGOROUS INSTRUCTION;
- I nvesting in innovative practices that enhance the EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP in all our CSD 10 schools;
- G alvanizing and developing more COLLABORATIVE TEACHERS by fostering teacher leaders who can lead teacher teams towards increased student achievement;
- H ighlighting and empowering parents as indispensable partners to increase STRONG FAMILY AND COMMUNITY TIES;
- T eaching students, parents and school communities to effectively and proactively integrate Culturally Responsive Social-Emotional Learning strategies to cultivate deeper SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENTS.